
How To Start Rediscovering Yourself and Healing After Divorce 

When ranking life stressors, the impact of divorce is cited as the second leading cause of stress, ranking only behind the death of a spouse. If your marriage has recently ended, you know the depths of this stress all too well. Divorce can affect all areas of functioning. It can make you question yourself, your future, and the relationships you...[ read more ]

What Are The Signs of Delayed Grief? 

Grief can come in many different flavors, and it affects everyone uniquely. Sometimes, grief hits you immediately, and you feel the wave of intense emotions right after the loss occurs. Other times, in the case of delayed grief, it can take several months or years to feel its true impact. There is nothing wrong with you if you are experiencing...[ read more ]

Strained Relationship? 5 Tips for Reconnecting With Your Adult Child

Do you feel like you and your child have drifted apart? Do you worry that the two of you are becoming strangers, that you have somehow damaged the relationship or lost the connection you once shared? Parenting is a lifelong task, and the work undoubtedly changes once your children become adults. Now that they have independent lives and other significant...[ read more ]

Do You Need Better Boundaries At Work?

Do you feel stressed at work? If so, you're not alone. Research shows that a quarter of Americans indicate their job is the leading cause of stress in their lives. Moreover, 70% of adults report that workplace stress negatively impacts their relationships, and 50% of people routinely bring their work home. While some stress may be unavoidable, learning to set...[ read more ]

6 Considerations Women Should Know When Caregiving for a Spouse

Although the gap is narrowing, women make up the bulk of caregiving. Recent studies show that anywhere from 60-65% of caregivers are female, and this number skews highest as women get older. Caregiving can be stressful, frightening, and taxing for you and your loved ones. But, as a woman, you also face certain obstacles in this task. Here are some...[ read more ]

6 Considerations Men Should Know When Caregiving for a Spouse

Caregiving for a spouse can be undoubtedly challenging, frightening, and lonely. Research shows that spouses consist of 12% of all caregivers, but their role tends to have some of the highest stress rates. If you are a male caregiver, it's important to balance taking care of your partner while also taking care of yourself. Here are some essential considerations to...[ read more ]

How Do You Model Secure Attachment In Your Relationships?

Attachment is one of the buzzwords of the decade, and for a good reason. In simple terms, attachment refers to the emotional bond between two people, and it also entails how safe and understood we feel in the world. Research shows that attachment bonds first form in infancy. At this time, children rely on their caregivers to meet their every...[ read more ]

What To Do When You’re Experiencing Marriage Problems After Retirement 

Has retirement made your relationship more stressful? Maybe you feel disconnected from your partner, and you don't know how to cope with all the new free time you have together. Perhaps you're dealing with problems related to money or kids or aging parents. As you may know, adjusting to retirement isn't all bliss, and acclimating to this new stage of...[ read more ]

7 Amazing Steps For Identifying Your Emotions 

Do you sometimes feel like you don't really know what's going on inside of you? Do you seem to jump from one mood to the next? Do you act impulsively, and you aren't sure why? Identifying your emotions can help you better understand yourself, your behaviors, and your overall emotional well-being. This work can be a key part of your...[ read more ]

Wanting To Switch Careers? Here’s What To Do Next

Are you thinking it's time to switch careers? You're not alone. Research shows that, on average, people have 12 different jobs during their lifetimes, and nearly 30% completely change fields. But changing jobs isn't easy, and the thought of navigating a new industry can feel frightening and overwhelming. That said, making a move can be extremely beneficial, both professionally and...[ read more ]

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(512) 988-3363

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