
12 Tips for Coping With Holiday Grief This Season

It's cited as the most wonderful time of the year, but grief can have a gripping and devastating effect on the winter months. As we move into the holiday season, grief often feels more intense. The memories of your loved one may seem more pronounced, and the accompanying sadness or fear may feel unbearable. Whether it's your first or tenth...[ read more ]

Toxic Shame: Causes, Signs, and What to Do

Shame is that warm feeling that washes over us, making us feel small, flawed, and never good enough- Brene Brown We all feel shame from time to time. It's a natural human response to making mistakes or hurting the people we love. Healthy shame can motivate us to be better people and think more consciously in the future. But toxic...[ read more ]

10 Strategies to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene Starting Tonight

You know that feeling. You're groggy and dragging through the day. You're exhausted, but when bedtime rolls around, you're wide awake. And so, you toss and turn, desperate for restful sleep, only to have another frustrating night. Sound familiar? A good night's sleep isn't just a nice luxury. It's paramount for your physical and mental health. That said, 50-70 million...[ read more ]

7 Immediate Steps You Can Take If You’re Having a Panic Attack

Panic attacks are undoubtedly frightening, particularly if you didn't know what they were when you first experienced them. The symptoms are physically and emotionally exhaustive, and your mental health can take a toll. But you can learn how to cope with panic attacks and relieve symptoms in real time. Here's what you need to know. Understanding Panic Attack Symptoms Panic...[ read more ]

Here’s How Secondary Trauma Affects Your Emotional Well-Being

Secondary traumatic stress refers to the emotional distress and turmoil that occurs from indirect exposure to trauma. People with secondary trauma often exhibit similar symptoms to those who have experienced trauma directly. Caregivers and professionals working in trauma-exposed fields (first responders, therapists, clinical social workers, emergency nurses) are particularly susceptible to secondary traumatization. However, regardless of your profession, knowing the...[ read more ]

How to Truly Support a Grieving Friend

As you know, any form of grief can feel overwhelming and devastating. But when a friend loses a loved one, it can feel challenging to know how to respond. You might worry about saying or doing the wrong thing. Here's how to provide support for your grieving friend: Don't Overestimate Listening Even if you find talking about death scary or...[ read more ]

Empathy Fatigue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Do you feel like you have nothing left to give? Does it seem like the world is swallowing you whole or that it's just one traumatic experience after another? As we round the corner and finish up 2022, many of us are still struggling with our mental health. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently reported that the COVID-19...[ read more ]

16 Signs of Toxic Friends You Need to Know

Friendship is paramount for your mental health, but not all friendships are created equally. While a healthy friend lifts your spirits and helps you enjoy life, a toxic friend often does the exact opposite. Spending time with them often feels frustrating, unproductive, or downright exhausting. 16 Signs of Toxic Friends Maybe you sense that a certain friend isn't good for...[ read more ]

5 Steps Towards Practicing More Self-Compassion

Do you frequently ruminate over mistakes? Does your shame keep you guarded and embarrassed? Does it seem like everyone else has a better or easier life than you? If you resonate with those struggles, you're certainly not alone. Many of us are our own worst enemies, and we live in a society that conditions us to question, doubt, and even...[ read more ]

How You Can Integrate More Mindfulness In Your Daily Life

You have probably heard about the virtues of mindfulness. Maybe you've even taken steps to practice meditation or acknowledge gratitude more often. But mindfulness doesn't need to be this formal, time-consuming process. Instead, simply prioritizing being more present in everyday life can make a significant difference in how you feel. Best of all? Mindfulness tends to compound itself. That means...[ read more ]

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Austin, TX 78759
(512) 988-3363

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