
Can Therapy Help With Loneliness?

A recent study found that 36% of Americans report feeling seriously lonely. And while this research was conducted a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, this trend speaks to the silent struggle many people face every day. Loneliness is real, and it affects people of all ages, demographics, and social classes. Temporary feelings of loneliness may inspire people to reach out...[ read more ]

What Should You Do If You Think Your Loved One Has Dementia?

If you suspect someone you love has Alzheimer's disease or dementia, you may not know what to do next. Even though more than 6 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease, simply talking about memory problems often feels taboo. People may present as resistant to your support, even when you approach them with care and concern. If you're worried someone you love...[ read more ]

Why Does Grief Make You Tired and How to Cope

Grief has a way of turning everything in life inside-out and upside-down. It is quite unlike any other experience we have in this lifetime, and each episode of grief is unique and inherently its own. In addition to feeling sad, angry, or confused after experiencing a loss, you may find that your grief feels emotionally or physically exhaustive. Even staying...[ read more ]

Is Guilt a Natural Part of the Grieving Process?

Many people experience guilt when grieving. Sometimes feeling guilty has positive benefits, especially if it motivates you to change problematic behaviors. But sometimes the guilt lies in holding yourself overly responsible for things that are out of your control. This type of guilt can quickly become burdensome, and it may stunt the healing process. Understanding Guilt During Grief Guilt is...[ read more ]

What Is Grief-Induced Anxiety and How Can You Cope?

Most people understand the depression, anger, or guilt that emerges after a loss. These are some of the hallmark symptoms characterized by grief. But there are fewer conversations about the anxiety that sometimes arises within this vulnerable process. Grief-induced anxiety can be heavy and complicated, and it's often misunderstood. It can take the form of physical symptoms like insomnia, panic...[ read more ]

What Is Disenfranchised Grief and How Can You Cope?

What Is Disenfranchised Grief and How Can You Cope? Disenfranchised grief refers to a specific type of grief that doesn't feel safe or appropriate to publicly acknowledge. The added burden of this emotional pain can complicate an already challenging grieving process, and it can make people feel even more alone with their feelings. Examples of Disenfranchised Grief If you feel...[ read more ]

How to Set Boundaries When You’re Grieving

When you're in the throes of active grief, the idea of needing to set boundaries may, at first, seem downright insulting. You're already feeling emotional- and maybe even overwhelmed. Why do you need to assert limits with others during such a vulnerable time? Having boundaries in place can actually support your grief process. These guidelines convey to both you and...[ read more ]

What You Should Know about Health Anxiety in Middle Age

Health anxiety- sometimes known as hypochondriasis- refers to excessive anxiety about your medical health. Health anxiety symptoms can occur at any time, but research shows that the onset typically occurs in early or middle adulthood. It can worsen with age, and it may be exacerbated if you or your loved ones have experienced concerning illnesses like cancer or dementia. What...[ read more ]

How to Take Care of Yourself During Your First Death Anniversary

You've moved through an entire year of heartbreaking firsts. Along with certain holidays, wedding anniversaries and the loved one's birthday, the first death anniversary can be one of the hardest days in the grief process. As the day approaches, you may find yourself facing an abyss of sadness, anger, guilt, and fear. The grief may feel as raw as the...[ read more ]

7 Ways to Cope With Loneliness When You’re Single

We're in a loneliness epidemic. Research shows that over one-third of adults over age 45 feel lonely, and 25% of adults over age 65 are socially isolated from others. Loneliness, of course, can be such a painful emotion. And while loneliness isn't the same as physically being alone, many single people struggle with this chronic feeling. However, being single doesn't...[ read more ]

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Austin, TX 78759
(512) 988-3363

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