
Why Does Grief Come In Waves?

It’s often said that grief comes in waves. This speaks to the fluctuating feelings and thoughts that accompany a significant loss. You may not feel a persistent sense of sadness or anger, but certain experiences may trigger those emotions. It’s also common for people to have both good days and bad days. In some moments, the grief may not seem...[ read more ]

Is It Anger or Depression or Both?

Sometimes discerning the differences between anger and depression isn't so obvious. Most of the time, when people think about what depression looks like, they focus on symptoms of sadness, hopelessness, fatigue, or a general sense of apathy. And when they think about anger, they imagine someone who's dysregulated when they get triggered. However, one of the more common symptoms of...[ read more ]

How to Release Perfectionism in Middle Age

How to Release Perfectionism in Middle Age We all know that perfect is the enemy of good, and yet so many people struggle with the desire to overachieve, perform well, and have everything under control. There's nothing wrong with striving for excellence or having goals. However maladaptive perfectionism can make it difficult to rest and enjoy the present moment. It...[ read more ]

How Does Shame Affect Relationships?

Even though everyone feels occasional shame, chronic or persistent shame can affect every part of your life. Shame coincides with feeling unworthy, which can deeply affect the quality of your relationships. Unfortunately, shame persists and shows up in insidious ways. It can erode even a healthy relationship, and it sometimes contributes to patterns of unhealthy interpersonal dynamics. Shame also often...[ read more ]

Coexisting Grief and Compassion Fatigue: How to Cope

Amid the grief process, people move through various emotions and stages that are unique to each loss. However, compassion fatigue sometimes overlays with cumulative grief, and this can present unique challenges throughout your healing journey. If you are struggling, it's important to remember that you're not alone. Seeking help during this time can provide you with reassurance and safety during...[ read more ]

Where Does Nostalgia Fit With Grief?

Nostalgia and grief often go hand-in-hand, as both can entail a sentimental longing over a significant loss. Nostalgia is a specific social emotion that refers to experiencing affection for the past. Stronger nostalgia often coincides with a desire to relive or reconnect to those older experiences. When it comes to grief, nostalgia can sometimes act as a source of comfort....[ read more ]

Do You Need a Will? Considerations For All Adults

Preparing a will is one of the most beneficial things you can do to keep your affairs in order and ensure that your assets are handled the way you desire. However, a recent study found that 67% of Americans have no estate plan intact. As a general rule, any adult should have a will. This applies even if you don't...[ read more ]

How to Cope With Guilt Over Chronic Illness

It's estimated that 60% of Americans have at least one chronic disease, including heart disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, or diabetes. Yet, despite millions of people experiencing chronic diseases, many feel guilty or ashamed about their symptoms. If this is you, you might worry about being a burden to your loved ones. You may also feel guilty that you can't participate...[ read more ]

What Does It Truly Mean to Be a Good Friend?

Everyone wants to have good friends. We all desire meaningful connections with people who care about us. But have you spent any time reflecting on the kind of friend that you are? A good friend, in many ways, strives to be a good person in their relationships. That means that you treat people well and respect them for who they...[ read more ]

6 Meaningful Lessons Grief Can Teach All Of Us

Grief is complicated, tender, and moves without a timeline or instruction manual. As you muck through the difficult emotions, you'll also bear witness to some invaluable lessons about life. One thing is for sure- nobody is the same person once they experience loss. Here are some of the vital lessons grief can teach you: Grief Teaches Us A Sense of...[ read more ]

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