
How to Set Boundaries When You’re Grieving

When you're in the throes of active grief, the idea of needing to set boundaries may, at first, seem downright insulting. You're already feeling emotional- and maybe even overwhelmed. Why do you need to assert limits with others during such a vulnerable time? Having boundaries in place can actually support your grief process. These guidelines convey to both you and...[ read more ]

How to Take Care of Yourself During Your First Death Anniversary

You've moved through an entire year of heartbreaking firsts. Along with certain holidays, wedding anniversaries and the loved one's birthday, the first death anniversary can be one of the hardest days in the grief process. As the day approaches, you may find yourself facing an abyss of sadness, anger, guilt, and fear. The grief may feel as raw as the...[ read more ]

How to Cope When You Feel Completely Overwhelmed By Grief

Grief affects us in ways no other tragedy does. The experience of grief is so raw and real, and it's such an intense reminder of the varied emotions we humans experience in this life. It can, in every way, feel entirely exhaustive. And if you feel overwhelmed by grief, you are not alone. You are having a normal response to...[ read more ]

How to Have the End-of-Life Talk With Your Adult Children

For all the many discussions you've ever had with your children, your own mortality probably hasn't been a conversation topic. That's understandable. Talking about death often feels morbid and scary, both for the parent and the adult child alike. We also live in a society that generally shuns the concepts of aging, loss, and grief. But talking about end-of-life issues...[ read more ]

34 Tips on What to Say and Do When Someone Loses a Parent

You just received the phone call or saw the Facebook post. Your friend's dad or mom passed. They're sharing the news with close friends, and you're in that circle. How do you feel right now? Scared? Uncertain? Sad? Uncomfortable? These are all normal emotions that emerge when standing next to grief. Unfortunately, even best friends sometimes avoid talking about this...[ read more ]

How to Truly Support a Grieving Friend

As you know, any form of grief can feel overwhelming and devastating. But when a friend loses a loved one, it can feel challenging to know how to respond. You might worry about saying or doing the wrong thing. Here's how to provide support for your grieving friend: Don't Overestimate Listening Even if you find talking about death scary or...[ read more ]

How to Cope After Losing a Pet

Losing a pet can be just as devastating and painful as any other loss. Every kind of grief comes with its own unique difficulties. However, many people find it hard to fully process losing an animal. They often feel pressured to remind themselves of the good times and move on quickly. Even loved ones who want to be supportive may...[ read more ]

6 Things You Should Know About Inhibited Grief

Grief comes in all different forms, and there isn't a right or wrong way to cope with loss. Sometimes, the intense feelings impact you immediately. But other times, it may take much longer to feel the full effect. Inhibited grief refers to the suppression of emotions associated with loss. Although it's a typical response, it can stunt your healing process...[ read more ]

How Grief Therapy Can Help You Cope With Loss 

Although loss happens to everyone, experiencing it can still feel overwhelmingly painful, confusing, and devastating. You may feel torn about what to do next. You might also worry about burdening others with your emotions. We all manage grief differently, but navigating this process alone often feels lonely. Some people try to avoid their feelings, but doing so often only perpetuates...[ read more ]

What Are The Signs of Delayed Grief? 

Grief can come in many different flavors, and it affects everyone uniquely. Sometimes, grief hits you immediately, and you feel the wave of intense emotions right after the loss occurs. Other times, in the case of delayed grief, it can take several months or years to feel its true impact. There is nothing wrong with you if you are experiencing...[ read more ]

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