
6 Meaningful Lessons Grief Can Teach All Of Us

Grief is complicated, tender, and moves without a timeline or instruction manual. As you muck through the difficult emotions, you'll also bear witness to some invaluable lessons about life. One thing is for sure- nobody is the same person once they experience loss. Here are some of the vital lessons grief can teach you: Grief Teaches Us A Sense of...[ read more ]

Can Grief Trigger Dissociation?

Grief and dissociation can sometimes go hand-in-hand, particularly if your grief is recent or you have an unresolved past trauma related to loss, anxiety, or abandonment. Dissociation refers to experiences of disconnection from your body, feelings, thoughts, or external surroundings. Dissociation itself is not bad or wrong, but it can cause distress and impact your grief process. Regardless of your...[ read more ]

Understanding How Grief Can Affect Your Marriage

Grief, with its profound and varied impact, can represent a tumultuous journey among even the closest couples. It can affect communication, safety, intimacy, and more. When one or both partners are coping with loss, the dynamics and normal equilibrium within the marriage can change in uncomfortable ways. At times, however, the grieving process may also bring you and your spouse...[ read more ]

Grief After Selling Your Home: Understanding Why Such Change Hurts

You sold your home, but you feel a sense of sadness, anger, regret, or confusion. These feelings can be difficult, and they can be especially surprising when people choose to sell their home to upgrade to a better space or to make a sound financial decision. It's important to note that selling a home can be as exciting as it...[ read more ]

Understanding How Grief Shows Up in The Body

For as emotionally heavy as grief can be, there often isn't enough conversation about the physical symptoms associated with such loss. But the grieving process can be intensely physical, with people noting all kinds of bodily sensations from chest pain to stomachaches to muscle tension. This speaks to the complex interplay between the mind and body. Understanding How Grief Affects...[ read more ]

5 Ways to Manage Intense Anger During Your Grieving Process

Anger in grief is one of the most common emotions people experience. Regardless of what specifically happened, feeling angry is a normal reaction after a loss. You might be angry about the circumstances surrounding the loss itself. You may feel angry toward yourself for things you did or didn't do. And you might also feel angry toward your loved one...[ read more ]

Working While Grieving: Navigating Loss and Your Career

Working while grieving can evoke difficult and tender emotions. Some people find that the structure and predictability of their jobs offer a welcome distraction during a tumultuous time. Others feel completely distracted, apathetic, and unable to complete the tasks at hand. No matter how much time you take off, returning to work can still be daunting, and grief doesn't ever...[ read more ]

How to Honor Your Grief Through Creative Expression

The experience of grief can be an intensely emotional whirlwind full of heightened emotions, grappling thoughts, and unexpected needs. Nobody can truly understand the full underpinnings of grief until they experience it first-hand. And with that, every type of grief stands as its own unique experience. Although loss can feel devastating and overwhelming, it can also pave a path for...[ read more ]

Should You Start Volunteering to Help With Grief?

The grieving process often comes with many different emotions, ranging from sadness to anger to guilt to apathy. These emotions ebb and flow with their intensity, and some days will certainly feel more difficult than others. With that, many people find that getting involved with volunteer opportunities provides a sense of support and purpose during grief. While nothing can truly...[ read more ]

How to Hold Onto Meaning Amid Complicated Grief

There is no shortcut, hack, or trick that can help expedite the intensity of complicated grief. The time after a loss can be tender, and it's often full of unexpected thoughts and emotions. Grief doesn't run on a specific timeline, and it's sometimes normal to wonder if you'll ever feel better again. The truth is that grief often pulls everything...[ read more ]

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Austin, TX 78759
(512) 988-3363

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