
Is It Anger or Depression or Both?

Sometimes discerning the differences between anger and depression isn't so obvious. Most of the time, when people think about what depression looks like, they focus on symptoms of sadness, hopelessness, fatigue, or a general sense of apathy. And when they think about anger, they imagine someone who's dysregulated when they get triggered. However, one of the more common symptoms of...[ read more ]

5 Ways to Rediscover Your Passions (No Matter Your Age)

Passion is rarely a fixed state, and feeling passionate about something can wax and wane throughout life. However, staying connected to your passions can maintain your emotional well-being, improve your relationships, and give you a deeper sense of purpose. This can be especially important if you're navigating difficult life circumstances. Passion acts as an anchor, as something to hold onto,...[ read more ]

Seasonal Affective Disorder and Grief: Why They Often Coexist

It's estimated that about 5% of Americans experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD symptoms exist on a spectrum, but like major depression, they can include persistent feelings of sadness, irritability, concentration problems, fatigue, weight loss or weight gain, changes in sleep patterns, and a lack of motivation. With that said, it's important to note that grief reactions can heighten depression,...[ read more ]

How to Truly Support Your Spouse’s Depression

If you love someone who experiences depression, you may feel confused about how to best support them. You might not really understand the complexity of their condition or what to say or do to help them feel better. At the same time, you might struggle with feeling resentful, scared, or tired when it comes to coping with their mental health....[ read more ]

7 Reasons Why You Might Feel Lonely (Even If You’re Not Alone)

We've become a deeply lonely world, with research showing that 36% of all Americans reporting feelings of serious loneliness. Both loneliness and social isolation have numerous consequences and they can erode your sense of emotional well-being. But what causes loneliness even if you have a partner, friends, or a support system? Let's get into some potential explanations. Significant Life Transitions...[ read more ]

How to Cope When Your Depression Feels Like It’s Getting Worse

People living with depression know the difference between the easy days and the hard days. On those easier days, the symptoms may feel far more manageable. You may notice yourself experiencing moments of joy or happiness, and you might feel confident with yourself. But the hard days can be extremely hard. And when those days start accumulating, you might be...[ read more ]

Subtle Signs That Anxiety Is Affecting You More Than You Realize

Sometimes anxiety symptoms like racing thoughts, chest pain, or panic attacks are incredibly apparent. You know that you're feeling nervous, and maybe other people can sense it, too. And if you've ever been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, you might be able to identify the emotional and physical symptoms indicating you're struggling. But anxiety can also be subtle and covert....[ read more ]

Can Therapy Help With Loneliness?

A recent study found that 36% of Americans report feeling seriously lonely. And while this research was conducted a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, this trend speaks to the silent struggle many people face every day. Loneliness is real, and it affects people of all ages, demographics, and social classes. Temporary feelings of loneliness may inspire people to reach out...[ read more ]

Why a New Year’s Intention May Be Better Than a Resolution

You've probably heard that new year's resolutions overwhelmingly don't work. In fact, research shows that 91% of Americans won't achieve their goals. To be exact, most people quit on January 19, the infamous day coined as Quitter's Day. But that doesn't mean you should abandon your efforts to set goals for self-improvement and happiness. New Year's Intentions vs Resolutions: What's...[ read more ]

12 Tips for Coping With Holiday Grief This Season

It's cited as the most wonderful time of the year, but grief can have a gripping and devastating effect on the winter months. As we move into the holiday season, grief often feels more intense. The memories of your loved one may seem more pronounced, and the accompanying sadness or fear may feel unbearable. Whether it's your first or tenth...[ read more ]

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