
Midlife Anxiety: Why It’s Happening and How to Cope

While everyone gets worried from time to time, anxiety symptoms can increase during middle age, and they can be difficult to manage. Anxiety often results in a combination of emotional and physical symptoms that can trigger feelings of restlessness and dread. While anxiety itself is not curable, there are steps you can take to regulate your emotions and manage your...[ read more ]

How Loved Ones Can Prepare for Hospice Care

Logistically and emotionally preparing for hospice care can be challenging for everyone involved. Planning ahead can make this difficult time feel somewhat smoother. It can also ensure that your loved one's wishes are respectfully honored. If end-of-life care is imminent, here are some of the best steps you can take. Learn About Hospice Care Hospice care emphasizes comfort and safety...[ read more ]

7 Ways Therapy Can Help You if You’ve Been Diagnosed With Cancer

You've been told you have cancer. You're probably feeling some combination of anxiety, sadness, anger, and grief. You're overwhelmed with what to do next. Maybe you're Googling symptoms and treatments and trying to stay calm. Or maybe you're worried that this means the end of your life. There's no doubt that a cancer diagnosis can be one of the most...[ read more ]

Steps to Take After a Cancer Diagnosis

There's no easy or straightforward way to cope with a cancer diagnosis. But knowing what to expect and being prepared for how to take care of yourself can make this challenging time feel a bit easier. If you've just received your diagnosis, you may feel any combination of fear, sadness, or shock. There's a lot of information to review, and...[ read more ]

What Should You Do If You Think Your Loved One Has Dementia?

If you suspect someone you love has Alzheimer's disease or dementia, you may not know what to do next. Even though more than 6 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease, simply talking about memory problems often feels taboo. People may present as resistant to your support, even when you approach them with care and concern. If you're worried someone you love...[ read more ]

What You Should Know about Health Anxiety in Middle Age

Health anxiety- sometimes known as hypochondriasis- refers to excessive anxiety about your medical health. Health anxiety symptoms can occur at any time, but research shows that the onset typically occurs in early or middle adulthood. It can worsen with age, and it may be exacerbated if you or your loved ones have experienced concerning illnesses like cancer or dementia. What...[ read more ]

7 Ways to Cope With Loneliness When You’re Single

We're in a loneliness epidemic. Research shows that over one-third of adults over age 45 feel lonely, and 25% of adults over age 65 are socially isolated from others. Loneliness, of course, can be such a painful emotion. And while loneliness isn't the same as physically being alone, many single people struggle with this chronic feeling. However, being single doesn't...[ read more ]

8 Steps for Managing Retirement Depression

Research suggests that approximately one-third of retirees experience depression symptoms after retirement. Unfortunately, many people aren't adequately prepared to manage their mental health after quitting the workforce. While your priorities may change in retirement, your life satisfaction matters. If you're struggling with depression after retirement, here are some tips to keep in mind. Signs of Clinical Depression After Retirement Depression...[ read more ]

How to Have the End-of-Life Talk With Your Adult Children

For all the many discussions you've ever had with your children, your own mortality probably hasn't been a conversation topic. That's understandable. Talking about death often feels morbid and scary, both for the parent and the adult child alike. We also live in a society that generally shuns the concepts of aging, loss, and grief. But talking about end-of-life issues...[ read more ]

10 Lesser-Known Perimenopause Symptoms You Should Know About

Transitioning into menopause, a time known as perimenopause, can be confusing and tumultuous. Most people have heard about the classic symptoms of hot flashes and mood swings. But perimenopause can start at least ten years before menopause, and the stage lasts, on average, four years. And while there are more discussions about menopause, most people don't really understand what happens...[ read more ]

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Austin, TX 78759
(512) 988-3363

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