
What Do You Need to Know About Menopause and Mental Health?

Chills, hot flashes, weight gain, thinning hair, vaginal dryness- these are some of the typical physical symptoms women may experience during menopause. That said, these dramatic hormonal shifts can undoubtedly impact your mood and emotional well-being. The relationship between menopause and mental health looks different for everyone, but it's essential to be aware of how these changes can affect you....[ read more ]

What Are the Negative Effects of Retirement on Mental Health?

What exciting visions did you once have of retirement? Did you imagine one-way tickets to exotic destinations? Did you picture joyous bonding time with family and friends? Were you looking forward to tinkering and exploring new hobbies? As it turns out, retirement isn't just a long episode of bliss and freedom. It can be a jarring, difficult transition for many...[ read more ]

Here’s What You Need To Know About Coping With Empty Nest Syndrome

You devoted many years to diapering and feeding and educating your children. You worked tirelessly to make sure that they stayed safe and healthy. Parenting undoubtedly became an identity, a role that changed you indefinitely. It's one of the most challenging and rewarding commitments a person can make in this lifetime. And now the last baby has left home (or...[ read more ]

How Do You Cope With a Concerning Medical Diagnosis?

Maybe you have had the dreadful suspicion that something has been wrong for a while. Or, perhaps, you went in for a routine physical, and the doctor found a suspicious lump that you didn't even know was there. Regardless of the circumstances, receiving scary medical news isn't easy. It's reasonable to feel afraid, angry, or confused. It's also normal to...[ read more ]

Understanding the Difficulties of Caregiver Loneliness

Research shows that approximately 40 million caregivers in the US provide support and direct assistance to adults with a disability or illness. Caregiving can be tedious and complex, and it often requires emotional, physical, and financial considerations. Caregiver loneliness is a particularly concerning problem, as many caregivers struggle with feeling underappreciated, isolated, or afraid in their roles. And even though...[ read more ]

What Are the Lesser-Known Signs of Stress in Men?

On average, nearly 1 in 10 men report feeling severely or extremely stressed. Just under half of men indicate feeling "usually stressed or under pressure." Despite these concerning statistics, men don't always receive the support they need. First, they are less likely to access psychological care than women. Moreover, many men cope with stress by engaging in impulsive behavior like...[ read more ]

7 Key Signs You’re Struggling With Attachment Trauma From Childhood

Attachment has been a trending buzzword in recent years, but what exactly does it mean, and why is it so important?  In a simple definition, secure attachment refers to feeling safe, understood, and connected with oneself and others. Research shows that the first attachment trends emerge in childhood- in fact, you can observe such interactions when watching babies with their...[ read more ]

Does Depression Worsen With Age?

Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects over 7% of the US population.  While depression doesn’t discriminate against whom it impacts, approximately 40%-70% of adult caregivers report experiencing depressive symptoms. Moreover, in general, older adults appear to be at an increased risk for misdiagnosed or undertreated mental health problems.  But does depression worsen with age? Is declining mental...[ read more ]

Understanding The Complicated Relationship Between Chronic Pain and Mental Illness

Not only does chronic pain come with physical issues, but it can also result in some serious emotional turbulence. People living with chronic pain are 4x more likely to experience mental illness than their pain-free counterparts. Living with both chronic pain and mental illness can be frustrating for both individuals and their loved ones. One condition can affect and exacerbate...[ read more ]

9 Tips for Coping With the Loss of a Spouse

Whether the death was anticipated or unexpected, the loss of a spouse is one of the most devastating experiences a person can endure. You will cycle through intense emotions and significant lifestyle changes during this time. Due to the increased stress, it's normal to feel uncertain or anxious about what lies ahead. There isn't a single way to grieve such...[ read more ]

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Austin, TX 78759
(512) 988-3363

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