
5 Steps to Build a Friendship With Yourself

We often spend a great deal of time trying to build healthy relationships with our loved ones. You may care deeply for your partner, friends, coworkers, and children. You might try hard to consider their needs and attune to their emotional states. This is, after all, what it means to be a good friend or family members. But what about...[ read more ]

Understanding Your Freeze Response When Everything Feels Numb

Emotional numbness is an act of self-protection. Sometimes, the body prepares for a threat by physically or emotionally shutting down- this is known as the freeze response, and it's a way to cope with immediate adversity. If you experience this stress response, it's important to understand its function and learn how to care for yourself. Let's get into some important takeaways....[ read more ]

How to Manage Caregiver Resentment

Caregiver resentment can happen to anyone at any stage of the caregiving process. But this form of resentment can feel uncomfortable, confusing, depressing, and shameful. You might struggle to share how you feel with others because you don't want to be judged. Or, you may worry that you're complaining too much and burdening people with potential negativity. If you're struggling,...[ read more ]

Grief Dreams: Understanding Their Role In Your Grieving Process

Grief dreams are a typical part of any grieving process, but they can feel uncomfortable, sad, and even scary. They may happen just after the loss. However, they sometimes occur several months or years after the death of a loved one. The specific type or frequency of grief dreams varies from person to person. Some only have one grief dream,...[ read more ]

How to Embrace Lightness When Life Feels Heavy

Life can deal us such a heavy hand sometimes. You may feel overwhelmed by the weight of the world. You might worry that things in your personal life will never get better. You may move around with this perpetual sense of dread or angst. Heaviness is an inherent part of life, and there's nothing wrong with feeling the gravity of...[ read more ]

Can a Friendship Recover From Betrayal?

When a friend betrays you, it can feel hurtful, confusing, and disorienting. It may trigger a sense of self-doubt, reinforcing deeper feelings of shame or inadequacy. Relationship trauma is unquestionably a real thing, and moving forward from any kind of rupture can be challenging. This is especially true if you've endured significant betrayals in the past. However, you can learn...[ read more ]

Trauma Denial: What Is It and How Can You Work Through It?

Around 50-60% of all people experience trauma at some point during their lives. Trauma can unquestionably disrupt your life and affect your emotional well-being. In addition, it's a precursor for numerous mental health issues like substance use, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Trauma denial refers to suppressing, rationalizing, or even disregarding that trauma occurred. It can...[ read more ]

12 Tips for Making Friends In Middle Age

How many quality friendships do you have? Who are the treasured people who support, validate, and encourage you to live a good life and be a good person? If you're struggling with your answers, you're not alone. Friendships undoubtedly become more challenging as we get older. In fact, research shows that nearly half of adults in middle age report feeling...[ read more ]

Bereavement Overload: How to Cope When You’re Grieving Multiple Losses 

Does it seem like one bad thing keeps having one after another? Have you experienced multiple losses in quick succession? Are you perpetually angry, sad, or tired- and do these feelings trigger an overarching sense of stuckness? Bereavement overload- also known as grief overload- can happen after enduring several losses. The "overload" effect may compromise your physical and emotional well-being....[ read more ]

5 Signs Your Stress May Indicate Unresolved Trauma

Everyone experiences stress, but chronic stress or stress that persistently feels difficult to overcome may indicate unresolved trauma. It may also speak to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which isn't always obvious. Understanding and taking care of stress well is key to managing your mental health. Here are some emotional and physical symptoms that often go under the stress...[ read more ]

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Austin, TX 78759
(512) 988-3363

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