
Empathy Fatigue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Do you feel like you have nothing left to give? Does it seem like the world is swallowing you whole or that it's just one traumatic experience after another? As we round the corner and finish up 2022, many of us are still struggling with our mental health. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently reported that the COVID-19...[ read more ]

16 Signs of Toxic Friends You Need to Know

Friendship is paramount for your mental health, but not all friendships are created equally. While a healthy friend lifts your spirits and helps you enjoy life, a toxic friend often does the exact opposite. Spending time with them often feels frustrating, unproductive, or downright exhausting. 16 Signs of Toxic Friends Maybe you sense that a certain friend isn't good for...[ read more ]

5 Steps Towards Practicing More Self-Compassion

Do you frequently ruminate over mistakes? Does your shame keep you guarded and embarrassed? Does it seem like everyone else has a better or easier life than you? If you resonate with those struggles, you're certainly not alone. Many of us are our own worst enemies, and we live in a society that conditions us to question, doubt, and even...[ read more ]

How You Can Integrate More Mindfulness In Your Daily Life

You have probably heard about the virtues of mindfulness. Maybe you've even taken steps to practice meditation or acknowledge gratitude more often. But mindfulness doesn't need to be this formal, time-consuming process. Instead, simply prioritizing being more present in everyday life can make a significant difference in how you feel. Best of all? Mindfulness tends to compound itself. That means...[ read more ]

10 Lesser-Known Perimenopause Symptoms You Should Know About

Transitioning into menopause, a time known as perimenopause, can be confusing and tumultuous. Most people have heard about the classic symptoms of hot flashes and mood swings. But perimenopause can start at least ten years before menopause, and the stage lasts, on average, four years. And while there are more discussions about menopause, most people don't really understand what happens...[ read more ]

FOMO in Midlife: Why It Happens and How to Cope

Do you feel like you're missing out on something significant? Does it seem like everyone else is having a better time than you are? Do you scroll through social media and feel jealous of other people's seemingly perfect lives? You're not alone. But these existential concerns may indicate the presence of fear of missing out (FOMO) in midlife. And even...[ read more ]

How to Cope After Losing a Pet

Losing a pet can be just as devastating and painful as any other loss. Every kind of grief comes with its own unique difficulties. However, many people find it hard to fully process losing an animal. They often feel pressured to remind themselves of the good times and move on quickly. Even loved ones who want to be supportive may...[ read more ]

13 Important Tips for Dating After Divorce

Dating is always complicated, but the idea of dating after divorce may seem downright overwhelming or discouraging. When is too soon to meet new people? What will you tell your children? How do you know if you've genuinely moved on from your ex? And what does the actual healing process entail? Of course, every situation is different, and the answers...[ read more ]

How to Boost Your Self-Esteem After 50

Getting older has its benefits, but it can also be challenging. By middle age, you're likely juggling numerous responsibilities at the same time. What mattered to you a decade ago may no longer carry the same relevance today. Likewise, fears about the future may have you feeling stressed. Research shows that self-esteem steadily increases as people age. However, it typically...[ read more ]

How Parents Can Start Preparing For The Teenage Years

We all know that children grow up quickly. It may have seemed like you were just rocking your crying newborn, chasing after your wild toddler, or playing Tooth Fairy for your young child. But now, you're on the cusp of high school. It might be time to start thinking about driving lessons, college prep, and launching into adulthood. Preparing for...[ read more ]

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Austin, TX 78759
(512) 988-3363

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