
9 Unconventional Ways to Immediately Reduce Acute Stress

Acute stress refers to how the body immediately responds to real or perceived threats. This type of stress response is situational and often has a defined beginning, middle, and end. Everyone experiences acute stress at times- it's a typical reaction to external stimuli, and it can strengthen our mental focus, provide much-needed adrenaline, and help us problem-solve effectively. But there's...[ read more ]

5 Steps to Build a Friendship With Yourself

We often spend a great deal of time trying to build healthy relationships with our loved ones. You may care deeply for your partner, friends, coworkers, and children. You might try hard to consider their needs and attune to their emotional states. This is, after all, what it means to be a good friend or family members. But what about...[ read more ]

Understanding Your Freeze Response When Everything Feels Numb

Emotional numbness is an act of self-protection. Sometimes, the body prepares for a threat by physically or emotionally shutting down- this is known as the freeze response, and it's a way to cope with immediate adversity. If you experience this stress response, it's important to understand its function and learn how to care for yourself. Let's get into some important takeaways....[ read more ]

Trauma Denial: What Is It and How Can You Work Through It?

Around 50-60% of all people experience trauma at some point during their lives. Trauma can unquestionably disrupt your life and affect your emotional well-being. In addition, it's a precursor for numerous mental health issues like substance use, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Trauma denial refers to suppressing, rationalizing, or even disregarding that trauma occurred. It can...[ read more ]

5 Signs Your Stress May Indicate Unresolved Trauma

Everyone experiences stress, but chronic stress or stress that persistently feels difficult to overcome may indicate unresolved trauma. It may also speak to symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which isn't always obvious. Understanding and taking care of stress well is key to managing your mental health. Here are some emotional and physical symptoms that often go under the stress...[ read more ]

How Does Shame Affect Relationships?

Even though everyone feels occasional shame, chronic or persistent shame can affect every part of your life. Shame coincides with feeling unworthy, which can deeply affect the quality of your relationships. Unfortunately, shame persists and shows up in insidious ways. It can erode even a healthy relationship, and it sometimes contributes to patterns of unhealthy interpersonal dynamics. Shame also often...[ read more ]

What Does Self-Forgiveness Actually Look Like?

Knowing how to forgive yourself can be one of the greatest gifts you offer yourself in this lifetime. However, it's much easier said than done, especially if you struggle with your self-esteem or feel toxic shame over your past mistakes. The good news is that you can learn to strengthen your self-forgiveness skills. The more you commit to practicing kindness...[ read more ]

Is Old Trauma Affecting You More Than You Realize?

Traumatic events can fundamentally impact how safe you feel in the world. When you endure a trauma, both your body and mind store what happened. Even if you feel like you've moved on, your past may have more of a hold over you than you realize, and this can affect you in both insidious and profound ways. Here are some...[ read more ]

Here’s How Secondary Trauma Affects Your Emotional Well-Being

Secondary traumatic stress refers to the emotional distress and turmoil that occurs from indirect exposure to trauma. People with secondary trauma often exhibit similar symptoms to those who have experienced trauma directly. Caregivers and professionals working in trauma-exposed fields (first responders, therapists, clinical social workers, emergency nurses) are particularly susceptible to secondary traumatization. However, regardless of your profession, knowing the...[ read more ]

Empathy Fatigue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Do you feel like you have nothing left to give? Does it seem like the world is swallowing you whole or that it's just one traumatic experience after another? As we round the corner and finish up 2022, many of us are still struggling with our mental health. In fact, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently reported that the COVID-19...[ read more ]

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Austin, TX 78759
(512) 988-3363

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