
Chronic Pain and Grief: Exploring the Rich Intersection

The relationship between chronic pain and grief is undoubtedly complicated, with symptoms of one experience potentially exacerbating symptoms of the other. While grief is part of the collective human experience, the complexity of pain can make it challenging to engage in healthy coping skills or take care of yourself during this time. If you're struggling with grief, chronic pain, or...[ read more ]

How to Cope With Guilt Over Chronic Illness

It's estimated that 60% of Americans have at least one chronic disease, including heart disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, or diabetes. Yet, despite millions of people experiencing chronic diseases, many feel guilty or ashamed about their symptoms. If this is you, you might worry about being a burden to your loved ones. You may also feel guilty that you can't participate...[ read more ]

How to Manage Chronic Pain at Work

It's estimated that over 1 in 5 U.S. adults experiences chronic pain. Those in the workforce often need to manage their daily job tasks while also navigating discomfort, doctor's appointments, fatigue, and medication side effects. While coping with chronic pain isn't easy, some strategies can provide you with relief and support you at work. Managing Chronic Pain at Work People...[ read more ]

How to Live Well With Chronic Illness

Approximately 60% of Americans live with at least one chronic disease, such as diabetes, cancer, or heart disease. Living with chronic illness can feel challenging for many reasons, and you may struggle emotionally, physically, or financially. While chronic illnesses may be difficult, having the right mindset, appropriate support, and healthy coping skills can make all the difference. Here are some...[ read more ]

Essential Reminders When Your Spouse Has Chronic Pain

It's estimated that chronic pain impacts anywhere between 18-35% of all Americans. But when we talk about chronic pain, we often focus on its impact on one's physical health, daily functioning, job performance, and individual satisfaction. However, there aren't many conversations about how this phenomenon affects loved ones. Living with a spouse that has chronic pain can be emotionally complex....[ read more ]

Managing Chronic Pain: How Therapy Can Help

Research shows that approximately 1 in 5 American adults have chronic pain. In mild cases, chronic pain causes distress and physical discomfort. But in more serious cases, it can affect every area of your functioning and compromise your quality of life.  Managing your chronic pain may seem overwhelming. But seeking professional support can help. Therapy doesn't cure the issue, but...[ read more ]

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Austin, TX 78759
(512) 988-3363

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