
How You Can Explore Your Purpose in Retirement

There's no doubt that retirement represents an incredibly significant life transition. Although you can take steps to emotionally prepare for this time, the change can still feel quite jarring. While many retirees first feel excited about the prospects of newfound freedom and relaxation, lacking structure can sometimes coincide with retirement anxiety, despair, or apathy. In some cases, this can lead...[ read more ]

Should You Change Careers or Retire?

At some point, many working professionals face this kind of dilemma: they're burnt out, apathetic about work, or unsure whether they want to stay in their current role. This inner battle causes them to question: do I retire? Do I stick it out? Do I look for a different job altogether? Does any of this sound familiar to you? If...[ read more ]

How to Prevent a Retirement Identity Crisis

What do you do for work? It's the icebreaker question of all questions. After all, we spend most of our working years focused on our careers and building a life that works within the confines of employment. In contrast, the prospect of retirement often feels tantalizing. You might expect this time to feel meaningful and fulfilling. Retirement planning may even...[ read more ]

5 Things to Consider if You Want to Return to Work After Retirement

Retirement can mean long vacations, more time with grandchildren, and pursuing new hobbies and passions. But in some cases, it can also mean going back to work. Research shows that nearly 40% of previously-retired employees rejoin the workforce at some point. Furthermore, roughly half of retirees indicate that they would return to work if the right opportunity arose. That said,...[ read more ]

Do You Need Better Boundaries At Work?

Do you feel stressed at work? If so, you're not alone. Research shows that a quarter of Americans indicate their job is the leading cause of stress in their lives. Moreover, 70% of adults report that workplace stress negatively impacts their relationships, and 50% of people routinely bring their work home. While some stress may be unavoidable, learning to set...[ read more ]

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(512) 988-3363

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