
Grief After Selling Your Home: Understanding Why Such Change Hurts

You sold your home, but you feel a sense of sadness, anger, regret, or confusion. These feelings can be difficult, and they can be especially surprising when people choose to sell their home to upgrade to a better space or to make a sound financial decision. It's important to note that selling a home can be as exciting as it...[ read more ]

Elderly Depression: What Might Look Different or Unexpected

Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions worldwide, and it affects people of all ages and demographics. If you experienced depression in the past, you may be more likely to experience depression in older age. That said, older adults don't recognize their emotional or physical complaints as a sign of a mental health condition. Elderly Depression: Statistics...[ read more ]

Understanding How Grief Shows Up in The Body

For as emotionally heavy as grief can be, there often isn't enough conversation about the physical symptoms associated with such loss. But the grieving process can be intensely physical, with people noting all kinds of bodily sensations from chest pain to stomachaches to muscle tension. This speaks to the complex interplay between the mind and body. Understanding How Grief Affects...[ read more ]

Age Shame: Why It Cuts So Deep and How to Cope

The aging process is inevitable, but knowing that doesn't automatically make aging easier. Both men and women can struggle with getting older. While we've made some societal efforts to reduce ageist stereotypes, we still have a very long way to go, and this form of discrimination still runs rampant. As you transition from middle age to older age, it's important...[ read more ]

6 Signs Caregivers Should Consider Seeking Therapy

Research shows that nearly a quarter of adults aged 45-64 provided immediate assistance or care to a loved one in the past month. Over one-third of caregivers devoted at least 20 hours a week to caregiving. Caregiving can be rewarding and meaningful, especially if you're tending to a close friend or family member. When you're in charge, you can ensure...[ read more ]

5 Ways to Manage Intense Anger During Your Grieving Process

Anger in grief is one of the most common emotions people experience. Regardless of what specifically happened, feeling angry is a normal reaction after a loss. You might be angry about the circumstances surrounding the loss itself. You may feel angry toward yourself for things you did or didn't do. And you might also feel angry toward your loved one...[ read more ]

Working While Grieving: Navigating Loss and Your Career

Working while grieving can evoke difficult and tender emotions. Some people find that the structure and predictability of their jobs offer a welcome distraction during a tumultuous time. Others feel completely distracted, apathetic, and unable to complete the tasks at hand. No matter how much time you take off, returning to work can still be daunting, and grief doesn't ever...[ read more ]

How to Cultivate Emotional Safety in Friendships

Emotional safety in friendships can be defined as a felt sense of being respected and treated compassionately in a relationship. When we feel emotionally safe with another person, we generally feel free to be who we are. Even if conflict arises, there's a sense of confidence that you can come together to resolve the issue. With that, emotional safety inherently...[ read more ]

5 Ways to Rediscover Your Passions (No Matter Your Age)

Passion is rarely a fixed state, and feeling passionate about something can wax and wane throughout life. However, staying connected to your passions can maintain your emotional well-being, improve your relationships, and give you a deeper sense of purpose. This can be especially important if you're navigating difficult life circumstances. Passion acts as an anchor, as something to hold onto,...[ read more ]

How to Honor Your Grief Through Creative Expression

The experience of grief can be an intensely emotional whirlwind full of heightened emotions, grappling thoughts, and unexpected needs. Nobody can truly understand the full underpinnings of grief until they experience it first-hand. And with that, every type of grief stands as its own unique experience. Although loss can feel devastating and overwhelming, it can also pave a path for...[ read more ]

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Austin, TX 78759
(512) 988-3363

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